Raleigh, North Carolina
Workers need a communist party to fight the capitalist class, establish a workers’ government, and implement a revolutionary program. The RCA is organizing workers and youth to build the foundations of that party.
If you’re a communist and you’re committed to the overthrow of capitalism in our lifetime, then the Revolutionary Communists of America is your party. Now is the time for action. Apply to join us today.. One of our members in your area will reach out to you shortly after.
The Revolutionary Communists of America is building a communist party that aims to end capitalism and create a world where workers have the power to solve the pressing issues of our society today, such as poverty, racism, misogyny, and violence.
We are also known as the American wing of the IMT, or the International Marxist Tendency.
For class independence—down with the Democrats and Republicans! Workers need a communist party to fight the capitalist class, establish a workers’ government, and implement a revolutionary program. The IMT is organizing workers and youth to build the foundations of that party.
Communists built the American labor movement and formed the backbone of industrial unionism. Armed with a class-struggle program and strategy, a mass communist party can build a fighting labor movement. Repeal all antiunion laws—all workers should have the right to strike and join a union. Organize the unorganized! No to multi-tier contracts, concessions, and give-backs. All union officials to be regularly elected by the membership with the right of immediate recall, receiving no more than the average wage of a skilled worker.
Full-time jobs with benefits or a place in education for all. For a twenty-hour workweek with no loss in pay and a national minimum wage of $1,250 per week. Wages to be tied to inflation through periodic cost of living adjustments. For union control over hiring and firing and the establishment of job training and hiring halls in areas with high unemployment. Unemployment and Social Security benefits to be paid at full wages with voluntary retirement at age 55. For a massive program of useful public works to create millions of quality union jobs to rebuild and expand public infrastructure, transportation, and housing.
End the capitalist housing market, which leads to overcrowding, gentrification, and homelessness. Rent for all housing to be fixed at not more than 10% of wages, as part of a voluntary, socialized plan. Nationalize foreclosed and vacant homes, to be allocated to those in need under democratic public control. For an immediate and indefinite moratorium on evictions, with residents of foreclosed properties allowed to stay in their homes.
For a socialized health care system free at the point of service. Nationalize the health insurance, medical equipment, and pharmaceutical industries, the hospital networks and related clinics, and integrate them into a unified, democratically administered public health provider. Free scientific research from the profit motive and ensure universal access to the latest medical technologies, treatments, and discoveries. Expand accessibility to accommodate those with disabilities and massively fund research to combat epidemics and disease.
Fully fund and expand public schools, colleges, and universities. Nationalize the private universities and colleges and merge them into a unified public education system. Abolish tuition and fees and cancel student debt. Provide students with at least $1,250 per week through living grants and paid internships. No to means testing, vouchers, charter schools, privatization, and corporate influence in the classroom.
No to discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. Equal pay for work of equal value. Full paid leave for expectant mothers after the first trimester and fully paid parental leave for up to two years after birth or adoption. For free, full-time, childcare facilities and after-school programs. For affordable public laundry services and restaurants serving healthy food to help free working women from domestic servitude. Full reproductive rights up to and including abortion.
Unite the working class against all forms of division! Mobilize the labor movement to combat sexism, racism, police terror, and mass incarceration. Abolish the death penalty and release all political prisoners. For genuine freedom of assembly and expression—defend civil rights and political liberties. No to walls, deportation centers, and repression at the border. End all racist immigration and asylum controls. For immediate and unconditional legalization: full rights and amnesty for undocumented workers and their families. For family reunification and an immediate end to raids and deportations. Recognize the tribal sovereignty of American Indian Nations. Genuine reparations for centuries of slavery, colonialism, exploitation, and oppression can only be achieved by expropriating the capitalists and building socialism.
For an immediate transition to clean energy—retool the economy to ensure a safe and healthy habitat for generations to come. Massively fund research to develop mitigation strategies and new production techniques. Paid retraining and guaranteed employment for displaced workers with no reduction in wages or benefits. For public ownership and control over mining, logging, transport, oil, gas, and other energy and natural resources. Protect small farmers and agricultural workers’ job security. For a socialized plan of production for agriculture—nationalize the food distribution and agrochemical giants that endanger public health and nutrition in the pursuit of profits.
Break with the irrational chaos of the capitalist free market—expropriate the key levers of the economy. No to austerity and privatization—make the billionaires pay for the crisis of their system! Nationalize the means of communication and democratize access to the media. Consolidate the banking sector into a unified, publicly owned and administered entity to protect workers’ savings and guarantee affordable loans to all. All nationalized companies to be run under democratic workers’ control and management, integrated into a socialist plan of production to meet the needs of society.
No to imperialist intervention anywhere in the world. For international economic cooperation based on solidarity and the interests of the workers of the world, not a handful of multinationals. Abolish all capitalist trade and bankers’ agreements and write off the debts imposed by imperialism. Slash the military budget and invest in social needs. Unite with Canadian and Latin American workers in a Socialist Federation of the Americas as part of a World Socialist Federation.
Revolutionary Communists of America